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Nehmen Sie ein FEAST 5-Set und Sie haben alle Kochlösungen, die Sie brauchen, egal ob es sich um ein Wochenendabenteuer oder eine Dinnerparty handelt. Sie können die Töpfe sogar einzeln entsprechend Ihrer Reise herausnehmen. Mit einem klappbaren Griff, der einrastet, können Sie das Kochen im Freien in vollen Zügen genießen.
Für erstklassigen Komfort sind Verpackung und Lagerung ein Kinderspiel, da jeder Topf problemlos in den anderen passt. Machen Sie jedes Abenteuer zu einem köstlichen Erlebnis mit FEAST 5 Aluminium-Kochgeschirr.
Kochgeschirr aus Aluminium
Material: Hartanodisiertes Aluminium, Edelstahl, ABS, PP
<Bratpfanne (L)>0194x42mm,07,6x1,6in
<Bratpfanne (L)>0,9 l, 30,4 us_oz
Good item solid quality would recommend to anyone for motorhome, caravan or camping
I purchased this set from Amazon. Along with the non stick get pan. Very happy. Took them camping this past weekend. Cooked eggs and bacon and fried potatoes for breakfast. Two mornings. For lunch I made hamburgers. And dinner was chicken and mashed potatoes. These are the best. They took learning to lower the flame on my stove down. So I'll save on propane use. But they did a knockout job. Nothing stuck. And cleaning them was a breeze. Thank you for a great product. I only wished I'd seen the feast 5 set. I really need the small pot. Wished you sold that separate. I really need a small pot. I make hot chocolate and that'd be the best to worm up milk. Let me know if you do sell the small pot separate I'll buy immediately. Very very happy with your product. I go camping once a month. So they'll get lots of use.
I love that so many pot sizes fit so well together. The folding/locking handles are also very well done. I am excited to get back in the sticks and have more versatility to cook good food!
We have not used the set yet but love how it collapses into one small set. The sizes are perfect!
This was a birthday gift for my granddaughter & she loved it.
Comode, pratiche, bollore dell'acqua assicurato (occhio alla fuori uscita del vapore).
Easy to clean and compact. I do worry about the pan handles scratching the other pots when stacked, so I put paper towels in between. Heats enough water for 1 realistic cup of coffee. Overall pretty good value for the money.
It’s an excellent set. I’ve paired it with a larger flat bottom fry pan which helps. It is easy to clean, super lightweight & packs very compact in a net bag.