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Der LPG-Adapter eignet sich zum Anpassen von Propankanistern im LPG-Stil für die Verwendung mit kompatiblen Schraubkanisterkochern.
Stellen Sie sicher, dass alle Verbindungen fest sitzen, um Leckagen vor der Zündung zu vermeiden.
Kupfer, Aluminium
38g / 1,34oz
31 * 38,6 mm / 1,22 * 1,52 Zoll
F: Funktioniert dieser Adapter mit einem Fire Maple FMS-X2, sodass ich optional Propangas verwenden kann?
A: Ja, es funktioniert
I use this on my refillable propane canisters. Works great.
Haven't used it yet but quality looks good
Glad I purchased when I did. Could only purchase propane on first trip using stove so breathed a sigh of relelief knowing I was covered. Would recommend having this small piece of equipment in backpack.
If you buy the lantern I would definitely get one for the half empty 1# tanks it ran half the nite on almost empty one for me
the Adapter performs as I expected it to, the only issue I have is if the adapter is already attached to a propane hose from a 2.3kg tank, you have to disconnect to attach the adapter to the Saturn Stove fuel hose.
Otherwise its a pretty solit piece of kit
Hi there,
Thank you for leaving a review for our Z1 Propane Cylinder Adapter. We're glad to hear that it performed as expected for you.
We apologize for any inconvenience with having to disconnect the adapter to attach it to the Saturn Stove fuel hose.
If you need help, please contact our customer service .