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Einer unserer technologisch fortschrittlichsten Rucksackkocher, perfekt zum Kochen bei Kälte, Wind und in großer Höhe.
Unter diesen anspruchsvollen Kältebedingungen sorgt der integrierte Druckregler für eine starke, gleichmäßige Brennerflamme trotz geringerem Druck aus der Gasflasche.
Klicken Sie auf diesen Link, um zu erfahren: Was ist ein Druckregler?Material: Edelstahl / Aluminium / Kupfer
Gewichtung: 76g / 2,7 Unzen
Größe: Aufgeklappt 114 x 94 mm / Gefaltet 49 x 82 mm
Leistung: 2.5kW, 8530BTU/h
Kochzeit: 1 Minute 47 Sekunden pro 0,5 Liter
Kraftstofftyp: Isobutan
as above
After using the polaris 2.7oz for the last couple years this stove is very impressive. Id love to see a titanium version in the future.
Polaris Pressure-regulator Gas Stove | 2.7 oz | 2500W
First time using the Polaris stove and the G3 pot. Easy setup. Great regulated heat. Just the right size for my French press. Nothing beats that first cup of coffee in the morning. Highly recommend both the Polaris stove and the Petrel G3.
Hi there! We're so glad to hear that you had a great experience with your new Polaris stove and G3 pot.
We agree, there's nothing better than that first cup of coffee in the morning! Thank you for recommending both products, and if you ever need any assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out. Happy camping!
Together with the petrol pot . They are great